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The Temple Training is the main gateway into Highden Temple so if you feel a calling to be part of this mystery school we encourage you to apply. 


Throughout the year we also host festivals and other events, join our mailing list to stay in touch!


"Highden is about living from soul purpose and growing community through the vibration of each person's soul gifts.  We are holding a place for souls to arrive and the unfolding is already happening. 

Love is at the centre of our vision."   

Regan Pryor


For all enquiries regarding the Temple Training email


 For other matters email




If you have completed The Temple Training and feel there is something incomplete, unresolved or unexpressed, we would love to invite your sharing and feedback.


Our team of aftercare support are available to connect with you


Laura Deva is a qualified clinical psychologist and psycho-criminologist, she was involved in individual and group therapeutic spaces for a decade before shifting her career and life path towards transformational spaces.


Seán Ó'Faoláin is a Transpersonal Counsellor and Gestalt Psychotherapist with a strong trauma informed background. He works both in private practice supporting individual clients and couples.


Kim Pedler is a lawyer, Tao Tantric healer & spiral practitioner, previously drafted codes of conduct for Tantric Journey UK.  Kim has worked with trauma since 1992 using various modalities, and is now training to be a White Tiger medical qigong teacher.


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