Transmissions from Highden Temple
Highden Temple Media
Highden Temple Media
The Roses of Highden
Welcome to Highden
The Mystery of the Manor
Stones of Highden
Life as water
Wild Love and The World Soul
Bruce talks about Highden Mystery School
7 Rays of the Soul.
Bruce Lyon on the next Temple Training at Highden: September 2018
Bruce Lyon on love, sex and relationship.
Exploring the Unconscious
The Hermaphroditic Winged Dragon
Bruce Lyon on - What is a Mystery School?
Manifesting & Money 1
Love & Money
Power & Influence
From Romance to Reality - Bruce Lyon
Podcast- GreenPlanet BluePlanet
Bruce Lyon has been teaching in the area of esoteric wisdom, the tantric arts, cosmology and universal spirituality for over twenty years. He is part of the wisdom council of ISTA, founder of Shamballa School and the author of many books. He established an esoteric school in New Zealand - Highden Temple.
Affiliated Organiations
ISTA is part of a global transformational movement where human consciousness is being opened to its source as love and harmoniously integrating with other sentient kingdoms and dimensions.
Books written by Bruce Lyon on the estoeric teachings which form the foundation of Highden Temple's mission and purpose.
Shamballa School is community dedicated to Spirit. Spirit is ever alive and vibrating as the wild, divine life-force at the core of every being, in their heart, body and soul. It is the ecstatic presence of the One, found at the core of both consciousness and matter.