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The Temple Training

The Temple Training is a soul Initiation for pioneers of the heart.  We open more deeply into the mysteries of love.   Love of the soul,  love of the dark and the wild love that flows from that place.  We explore the integration of love through the three rings of spirit, soul and embodiment. 


Humanity is vibrating through a life/death portal between worlds. The heart is the guide for this journey. We are calling the pioneers of the heart - those beings willing to go into the unknown together - to open up new trails into the emerging mysteries of group soul initiation.  Wild love in action.


Highden Temple is the birthplace of the Temple Trainings now happening around the globe. 


What is the Temple Training?


The Temple Training is a 6 week immersion at Highden Temple in Aotearoa (New Zealand). It is for those who have already made progress on their path of liberation and embodiment. 


It provides the opportunity to discover and demonstrate together the next step forward in the anchoring of the modern Temple and the cultivation of a new culture. 


This is not just a workshop but an actual living experience in group soul - to be part of the source code of creative, loving, shamanic, ecstatic community.


SOUL INITIATION is the process of shifting your center of gravity to the eternal being that was born to live your life. It involves releasing your personality’s survival mechanisms and falling deeper into the core of this being, the living expression of love and freedom that you are. The soul now shines through the garment of personality, integrating it instead of being hidden by its structure. 


This six week temple training is an environment to support your soul shine to emerge in a sustained and lasting way. It will cost your life as you know it, all the love you can bring and a commitment to the evolution of the planet. And ultimately the willingness to be nothing so you can embrace everything.


When you come to Highden to do your soul work, you are engaging with and supporting a global temple field emerging.





The Curriculum

Awareness: - Meditation, Cosmology, Astrology, Rayology, Soul Fusion, the Void

Eros: - Life Force Activation, Polarity & Magnetism, Tantric Sexuality, Magic & Rituals

Community: - Love & Relationship, Group Soul & Group Initiation

Creativity: - Unique Self & Life Purpose, Synergy, Money and the Economics of Love

Earth:- Shamanism, Earth Energies, Working with Devas, Planetary Kundalini, Initiations & Ceremonies 

And....these are just guides - the real curriculum is the living current of life force emerging through each of us and between us as love reveals to us its next great unfoldment in planetary evolution and group transmission.

Are you being called?


The very centre of your heart is where life begins. The most beautiful place on earth.- Rumi


The next Temple Training


FEBRUARY  3 - MARCH 14  2025


At this time on the planet the earth is calling forth the pioneers of the heart- those beings willing to go into the unknown together - to open up new trails into the emerging mysteries of group soul initiation.

Wild love in action.


Apply Here:


SOUL INITIATION is the process of shifting your centre of gravity to the eternal being that was born to live your life. 

It involves releasing your personality’s survival mechanisms and falling deeper into the core of this being, the living expression of love and freedom that you are. The soul now shines through the garment of personality, integrating it instead of being hidden by its structure.

This six week temple training is an environment to support your soul shine to emerge in a sustained and lasting way. It will cost your life as you know it, all the love you can bring and a commitment to the evolution of the planet. And ultimately the willingness to be nothing so you can embrace everything.


Attending the Temple Training requires three things of you.


FOLLOW YOUR HEART - and an inner calling to be available in service to the world through the deepest part of you. This is about initiation into the core of life, not just tribal belonging.

OPEN YOUR HEART - and make a real commitment of time, energy and money to the process. This includes preparation work for the journey and clearing commitments for the six weeks. The weekends are your own time, everything else is unpredictable.


  OFFER YOUR HEART - and be willing to live the fullest expression of your soul sovereignty while at the same time consenting in full surrender to the mystery that dances u





Highden Temple begins another turn of the wheel as we move into 2025, entering the third of seven cycles of trainings. The first cycle was about the will—the lightning of purpose coming in to plant a seed in the soil. The second cycle was about the love—the attunement of growing a field of initiation, service and soul community, grounded by a solid web of belonging, intimacy and inclusion. 

Now, the third cycle is about the creative intelligence behind manifestation—the living web of soul resource that brings about new systems and structures as expired ones collapse.

As the breakdown of our current civilization continues, those called to initiatory work come forth as cells in a revealing body of a soul-based culture. These trainings are for those beings who feel the rumbling within—a place of emerging leadership through unknown times where the personal, collective and planetary heart are one of the same.







$6750 US


For those residents in New Zealand who wish to apply please get in touch for a local currency cost. 


This exchange covers food & accommodation and the training for the full six weeks: This includes weekends and 2 integration days at the end of TTT.
Accommodation - in a comfortable dorm (single and triple rooms) with shared bathroom.
{a limited number of private rooms are available in the dorms)

Food - 3 meals a day Monday to Friday, with weekends self or group catered, a great opportunity to live and play the community heart.

We have made every effort to keep the cost as affordable as possible for this training.

Applicants with financial constraints are encouraged to seek support from their communities.


Weekends are unstructured and give time for integration. They are an opportunity to recharge and make space for what wants to come through next. You can go off site or stay on the temple grounds. If you wish to stay, your accommodation is included in the training fee over the 6 weekends.
Weekends can be a beautiful time to share unstructured time together, like cooking, co-creating or hanging out. You may also want to explore and enjoy the land on your own - there is plenty of space here for that too.



Apply Here





There is an application process to ensure the group synergy is flowing and that the programme is suitable for each participant, this includes an online meeting with a member of the facilitation team.

We recommend filling in the application form as soon as you hear the calling, it will give us time to meet and feel together if its a good fit. 

The application is not the final yes, it's the first step in feeling it.

Fill in the application here:



If you would like more information contact us






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